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Artfully Designed Stringed Instruments
 All proudly USA Made and built to order at our Massachusetts workshop
Already built instruments available for immediate shipping
Visit us in our shop in person by appointment
Call or email to make an appointment

Timber 2.0

The Timber Bass is back! New and improved short scale bass. Great for travel - easy to play and hold with the same big bass sound tuned EADG.

Built to order, with orders taking 3-5 weeks prior to shipping

Celebrating 25 Years of Magic

Magic Fluke is awesome. We enjoy our cricket every day. Congrats on the 25-year anniversary!

— Dylan Farsworth

Congrats to a great company!  I am proud to own a mandolin and enjoy it along with my other instruments.

— Jean Denzel

Congratulations on your 25th anniversary! Working with you and the flukes back in the day was one of the best experiences of my life. I bought my first uke on our honeymoon on Maui in 1997.  My wife bought me a green fluke a year or 2 later and we found Jim’s book on the Ukulele. I saw a leopard uke in the book, made a design on a sticker paper, took it to a class Jim was giving here at McCabes - and the rest is history.

 I still play my flukes several times a week. I have about 6 or 7 of my own designs to choose from (thank you) when I play. They have always been the best ukuleles to play ! Thank you for enriching my life experience !

— Chris Stousland

Happy anniversary! We've been playing your instruments since 2001, if my math is correct. The Fluke and Flea have been faithful companions.

— Jeff Elbel

I love you guys. Have a great 25th. Keep on making great instruments and memories.

— Michael Anderson

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