Timber 2.0

Celebrating 25 Years of Magic
Magic Fluke is awesome. We enjoy our cricket every day. Congrats on the 25-year anniversary!
— Dylan Farsworth
Congrats to a great company! I am proud to own a mandolin and enjoy it along with my other instruments.
— Jean Denzel
Congratulations on your 25th anniversary! Working with you and the flukes back in the day was one of the best experiences of my life. I bought my first uke on our honeymoon on Maui in 1997. My wife bought me a green fluke a year or 2 later and we found Jim’s book on the Ukulele. I saw a leopard uke in the book, made a design on a sticker paper, took it to a class Jim was giving here at McCabes - and the rest is history.
I still play my flukes several times a week. I have about 6 or 7 of my own designs to choose from (thank you) when I play. They have always been the best ukuleles to play ! Thank you for enriching my life experience !
— Chris Stousland
Happy anniversary! We've been playing your instruments since 2001, if my math is correct. The Fluke and Flea have been faithful companions.
— Jeff Elbel
I love you guys. Have a great 25th. Keep on making great instruments and memories.
— Michael Anderson